AMA Charter
The RAMS own over 100 acres of land which the Macedon flying site is part of. The working area of this field consists of a club house, pit shelter, and flight stations. The remainder of our land is wild, or farmed providing a safe and private location to fly model aircraft. Aside from a solar charging station and rain collectors, there are no utilities on the property.
The entrance to this site is paved, leading to a stone driveway to the field. The driveway entrance is marked with a mailbox, 2529 Macedon Center Road.
During our flying events, signs will be posted along the road to assist in locating the field. Route 31F intersects Rt 350 near the west end of Macedon Center Rd. Our field is located east of the RT 350 RT 31F intersection.
We fly all year long. As long as the weather is clear (low winds, no rain), the members are out flying. Visitors are always welcome. Stop by to talk to a member and watch some radio control model flying.
Video Overview
Video provided by Chris Reibert
Field Dimensions
The RAMS new Geotextile Runway and the Install Crew, 5-7-16